It is found that the DHA and lutein supplementation is effective in increasing the macular pigment ocular density (MPOD) and may aid in prevention of age related macular degeneration
This study was performed to assess the efficacy of DHA and lutein combination in preventing AMD.
Patients with AMD receiving supplementation reported an increase in macular pigment ocular density (MPOD) (0.453±0.028) compared to placebo group (0.345±0.026 unit) (p<0.01). Moreover, total MPOD increased very significantly after nutritional supplementation for 1 year (p<0.01) (see Fig 1).
In addition, the increase (0.059 units) in MPOD in the group taking placebo after 1 year compared to baseline was not statistically significant. In the total MPOD, 4 of 23 were non-responders among the patients with AMD who received nutritional supplement (17.4%).
It was found that DHA plus lutein supplementation is effective in increasing the MPOD and may help in prevention of age related macular degeneration.
Layana GA, Recalde S, Alaman AS, et al. Effects of Lutein and Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on macular pigment optical density in a randomized controlled trial. Nutrients. 2013; 5:543-551.